Gymnaster savatieri 'Edo Murasaki'

Edo Murasaki False Aster

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Item #: 9582

Zones: 5a to 8b

Dormancy: Winter

Height: 15" tall

Culture: Part Sun to Light Shade

Origin: Japan

Pot Size: 3.5" pot (24 fl. oz/0.7 L)

Regular price $23.00
Regular price Sale price $23.00
Sale Sold out
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Next crop available: 05/24/2024

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(aka: Aster savatieri) We have fallen in love with this wonderful garden-performing selection of the Japanese Gymnaster savatieri. Imagine a dwarf aster that blooms all spring and summer, and you get the idea. Gymnaster savatieri 'Edo Murasaki' makes a small, tight clump of dark green leaves topped, starting in early April (NC) and continuing sporadically throughout the summer, with 15" tall stalks of attractive blue-lavender flowers...just charming! A toast to anything from Japan associated with saki...or is it sake?